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Saturday, February 17, 2007

It Is About Money

Read some Ralph Waldo Emerson quotations on money. I am still pondering over these. Grave truth, isn't it?

1) Money often costs too much.
2) Can anybody remember when the times were not hard and money not scarce?

These quotations have a shade of black reality that cannot be ignored. Those who have the bucks are lucky. Those who do not possess the moolah are happy as they are. And those somewhere in between, who don't have enough of it, are the ones the most unhappy creatures. Their entire life revolves around going from somewhere middle to somewhat high and in this process, happiness is lost.

In the morning I was discussing with a friend how human beings are the most evovled species on this earth. Right. But they are the most unhappy ones too. With our intelligence we have created a world that serves us with nothing but worries, troubles, tensions, and unhappiness. Animals with their less developed brains do not have a pseudo world and are free from such botherations. Gibberish, is it? If Darwin was alive, he would have seen how evolution is slowly leading to destruction of our inner world.




At 6:09 PM, Blogger zoxcleb said...

whoever said they were the most evolved species on the earth??
if they were, they wudnt go all out to destroy each other... and unhappiness comes out of lack of being content.. i agree more with what was said in the Matrix... the human race is more like a virus.. and knows no concept of true happiness...

At 2:10 PM, Blogger Sathish said...

We evolved to imagine a lot... many things that exist only in our minds.....

At 4:25 AM, Blogger Phoenix said...

True that the world has a lot of confusion today, but undeniably there are people who are evolving more and more today and learning the importance of consciousness, an inner life, the spirit.
Hints of this phenomenon are everywhere. One just has to open ones eyes and see. More and more European and American people, espc. today's generation is increasingly starting to discover the Orient, Upanishads, Gita and what not.
This is how it works...while all the "intelligent" people will be making money and gadgets, these few will lead the evolution to the next level.
It is happening and it is true.


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