"Hope is a good companion but a poor guide!"
Argh, could not agree more. I just don't like those Ifs and Buts. They make life weaker.
Each day comes and teaches us new things. Good and Bad...both. But with each setting sun, a hope to see the dawn arises. And it continues. That is how life is! Never give up hope. And for me, I have begun posting here in the hope to create a great mileu to be able to learn from life and know myself better. Taking life as it comes each day..Au Jour Le Jour!
The Shawshank Redemption:
Red: Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.
Andy: Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And a good thing never dies.
-- Take your pick :)
@Enjoy Life: I guess a bit of both is also enclosed in "good companion" but "poor guide". :) Good quotes from the movie.
damn you Puneet. I came here just to say those words.
Sujata, you fail to understand the philosophy in Puneet's quotes. You should be punished..
@Anon: You failed understand the basic fact that Philosphy is much much more than just looking at the primary meaning the words convey or seem to convey..I said "I guess" and "a bit of both is also enclosed" when I thought about those quotes. There is much more to HOPE than what I quoted and what Enjoy Life quoted. Philosophy means NO DEAD END. There is much more to it which you did not even try to understand. Go beyond words, I would rather say.
Hi Sujata,
I don't think you need to justify to anyone, especially if they can't even say who they are.
Hi Sujata
I loved the title of your blog...'That is life'....& I loved the way you write.
Happy Blogging
@Just another thought: Thanks
@Dushyant: Argh is used to vent out frustration/annoyance.
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