<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/j_suju/fm_smith-Red_Guitar.mpp" loop=infinite>

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Tagged Again

Yeah, I got tagged again. This time by BS for dictionary usage. Earlier it was SA for Bollywood. Whatever the reason, I really enjoy. Its nice because its different and after all its fun! How much..l....well lemme try..once again.

Here is how the tag works:
  1. Flip open a dictionary and point to a word / get word of the day from dictionary.com
  2. Type the word into google images.
  3. Pick an image that strikes you.
  4. Write a 10 line riff off the image.
  5. Use the word or the meaning at least once within the first 5 lines.
  6. Tag 3 other bloggers on your list.
The word is:

wheedle \HWEE-d'l; WEE-d'l\, transitive verb:
1. To entice by soft words or flattery; to coax.
2. To gain or get by flattery or guile.

intransitive verb:
To flatter; to use soft words.


Editors who wished to carry original work rather than reprints found it necessary to wheedle contributions from readers by decrying inexperience as a reason for not taking up the pen and by offering prizes for submissions.
-- Ronald Weber, Hired Pens

Dulcet ecstasy twas'
His baritone from the enamored sylvans
Sweet charms warming the cockles of heart
To wheedle me within
In the entranced heavens

Wow...for wheedle.....it was tough to find an appealing image..but fun in the end!

The finals have begun and hence i reciprocated to the tagging after sooooooo long. Shucks !!! More finals next week.

Also, my kiddo brother got his US visa finally!!!!!!!!!!! Couldn't be possibily happier or happiestestesteestest !!



At 1:30 PM, Blogger Bhumi said...

Congrats to ur bro' :)

Good job! just a week to go then u r freee!! :P Good Luck.

At 7:20 PM, Blogger Enjoy Life!! said...

congo to ur bro and jordar likha hai boss

At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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